
词海录 人气:2.98W

She seemed to interpret this as friendliness.

To interpret at the UN is a difficult task.

We need somebody to interpret from Russian into English.

Besides this, the workflow provides global indications as to how to interpret the test results.

In today's lecture I'd like to interpret this problem broadly rather than in depth.

Or, in the case of interpreted languages, the debugger may interpret code directly.

Now we have data (data elements), we know what they are (tags), and we know how to interpret them (attributes).

But you should interpret that feedback, if that's the worst problem they found in your conference, you did damn good.

To disfigure the mouth — this is how I would interpret it — to disfigure the mouth has a primary effect in rendering one at least temporarily speechless.

More than a few tools interpret these bytes as end-of-file or some other special delimiter, with unexpected, unanticipated, and generally unpleasant effects.

I decided to interpret this episode as a sign that I should throw caution to the wind and finally make that little indie documentary I had promised myself.

It is suggested to adopt such a new Angle to interpret the thesis as the distinction between epistemological standpoints, which is the root of the conflict in Mill's thought.

The pain is not in what the insensitive people say about you or do to belittle you. The pain is in how you interpret and react to such ACTS.

Analyze and interpret data.

Poets interpret the commonplace freshly.

So how do you interpret that?

We interpret a frown as a sign of disapproval.

But we do not have the scientific knowledge to interpret these signals with certainty.

"Thy acts are like mercy,"said Hester, bewildered and appalled. "But thy words interpret thee as a terror!"

If we make a dust, we will interpret the meaning of life with flying dances. If it's a drop of rain, we will gently moisten the earth.

Although no "smoking gun" proves beyond doubt that Iran is developing nuclear weapons, the evidence gathered in a 12-page annex is hard to interpret in any other way.

Case-teaching methods of law are a kind of method in which students are put in the situation Of virtual law circumstance, that makes students analyze and research law case, and interpret the content of stature and that cultivates students' ability of applying law.

This is how we interpret our data.

Applications can parse the messages, but how do they know how to interpret the parsed results?

No one can repeat a message he has not heard, or interpret what he does not understand.

To the extent necessary to decision and when presented, the reviewing court shall decide all relevant questions of law, interpret constitutional and statutory provisions, and determine the meaning or applicability of the terms of an agency action.

To do this, you need to correctly interpret their actions.

With embodiment, we can restrain "Reader's Centralism" and "Translator's Autonomy"; with conceptualization (mainly construal), we can interpret the subjectivity in translation.

The right to interpret these Rules resides with the administrative department for measurement under the State Council.


How to interpret it all?